If you have any concerns about a food or toxin your pet has eaten, call the ASPCA poison control line: 888-426-4435
Keep the case number that they give you and bring it with you when you come into the office for treatment.
Toxic Foods
•Macadamia Nuts
•Undercooked Meat/Eggs
Top Toxic Human Medications
•Other Pain Medications
•Diet Pills
•Cold Medicine
•Human Vitamins
- Snake Bites
- Hit by a Car
- Other Trauma
- Sudden Abdominal Swelling
- White/Blue/Grey Gums
- Weak/Fast Pulse
- Choking
- Loss of Consciousness
- Unable to Urinate
- Sudden inability to Walk
- Moderate-Severe Bleeding
- Change in Body Temperature
- Severe Allergic Reaction
- Seizures
- Poisoning
- Electric Shock
- Trouble Breathing
- Rapid Breathing
- Cannot Stand
- Difficulty Giving Birth
1. Lilies
2. Marijuana
3. Sago Palm
4. Tulips/Narcissus Bulbs
5. Azalea/Rhododendron
6. Oleander
7. Castor Bean
8. Cyclamen
9. Kalanchoe
2. Marijuana
3. Sago Palm
4. Tulips/Narcissus Bulbs
5. Azalea/Rhododendron
6. Oleander
7. Castor Bean
8. Cyclamen
9. Kalanchoe
10. Yew
11. Amaryllis
12. Autumn Crocus
13. Chrysanthemum
14. English Ivy
15. Peace Lily (Mauna Loa)
16. Pothos
17. Schefflera
11. Amaryllis
12. Autumn Crocus
13. Chrysanthemum
14. English Ivy
15. Peace Lily (Mauna Loa)
16. Pothos
17. Schefflera
- Blue/Green Algae
- Fertilizer
- Cocoa Mulch
- Slug/Snail Bait
- Fly Bait
- Rat/Mouse Bait
- Swimming Pool Treatment Supplies
- Citronella Candles
- Frogs, scorpions, spiders
- Lizards, snakes, and insects
- Certain Flea products
- Potpourri
- Pennies (Made after 1982)
- Fabric Softener Sheets
- Moth Balls
- Batteries
- Christmas Tree Water
- Tinsel
- Glass ornaments
- Ribbons
- Electrical Cords